12 February 2012

Seaside Town monoprint

This monoprint is much larger than what I mostly create. It is approximately 8 by 20 inches. My press would not be able to print this size. The plate, and eventually pressing, were thanks to artist Sarka Buchl Stephenson. I met her last year when I took her printmaking class through the Varley Gallery in Markham, Ontario.
Detail of Seaside Town monoprint
With the clear plate over my sketch I begin to paint in the buildings I want to be blue. 

This detail shows where I painted more buildings orange and red.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Lisa I came over here to visit your blog from your profile on Flickr - what a lovely blog very friendly and genuine

    --- THIS MONOPRINT - is - soh complex - wow !! Surely the most ambitious watercolor monotype I have seen - and I have seen a lot of prints in my time. I also love working with watercolor - I really do........ Have you ever tried to use it on a genuine gelatin 'plate'?
    Anyway I must go have a look at your Etsy shop now

    by the way feel free to visit my blog - there is lots of info about various printmaking projects
    best wishes


    by the way your husband sounds like a sweetie getting you that typewriter
