02 March 2010

Illustration Friday - Perspective

This is my perspective on this week's Illustration Friday's subject!
For the most part, I consider myself a half-full kind of girl!


  1. great painting, love your subject as well, fit well to this weeks word

  2. LOVE the style on this-- all the brushstrokes and blending combined with the tight painting of the glass and the text. Great take on the theme, too.

  3. Thank you for your nice comments! The idea came to me a few days ago but I couldn't see how to render it with collage. So I jumped into acrylics and it seems to work. Cheers...

  4. as your mother it's hard not to take a "wow, what a good job you did" approach, but it's true, I think it's terrific. ox xo

  5. Great illo (and great view on life) :-)
    I really like your style:-))
