28 February 2010
POD Project - Home
21 February 2010
17 February 2010
Illustration Friday - Adrift

11 February 2010
My photo in Schmap!
Back in January I received a message on my Flickr account stating one of my photos had been short-listed for inclusion in the tenth annual Schmap Boston Guide. Well, today I found out the photo has been included.
You can view the photo here. It is one of many highlighting this specific tourist attraction.
The photo is from a trip I took to Boston last fall with my family. When I look at it I am clearly reminded of the four of us slowly walking around this historical site absorbing the history and the atmosphere. It was lovely.
You can view more photos of our New England road trip here.
07 February 2010
Illustration Friday - Muddy

03 February 2010
A New Look to Loot Bags
Recently, my daughter celebrated her birthday with eight girlfriends at our house.
Together, her and I made spiffy, little loot bags for the guests. With some simple cutting and sewing we made small, felt purses. Inside we put what my daughter (and hopefully the guests) would enjoy: a homemade note booklet personalized with each girls' initial, two pencils and a pack of (colour coordinating!) candies.
It took more time to put these together than buying some bags and loot at the toy store or dollar store, but it was far more rewarding (and memorable) to make something special.